The easy way to judge a MCPCB manufacturer [part 4]

MCPCB industry is special industry when you compare it with normal PCB manufacturer industry.
But in MCPCB manufacturing industry also have many tips.
Here Frank will going to introduce the easiest way to judge a MCPCB manufacturer.
This post will focus on the location of MCPCB manufacturing.

Where do you manufacture your circuit boards?

To discuss this point may get in Dutch with some MCPCB manufacturers.
Believe it or not, more than half of the “MCPCB manufacturers” in the industry don’t manufacture anything at all- they’re actually MCPCB brokers, serving as a middleman between customers and manufacturers.
If you don’t ask your MCPCB supplier where did their manufacturing, they may just outsource your board to others.

If you have other questions about the location of MCPCB manufacturing, please contact us.
The easy way to judge a MCPCB manufacturer [part 4]
MCPCB experts suggest others tips: