The application and manufacture process of Copper Clad Laminates

Why we need Copper Clad Laminates introduce?

Flexible circuit board material series article, this post will discuss Copper Clad Laminates.
If you first time to learn flexible circuit board, you may feel confused about it.
Why flex PCB board can so provide the flexible ability for electronic products?
This post will from the Copper Clad Laminates point to discuss this issue.

The application of Copper Clad Laminates

In fact, the application of Copper Clad Laminates has wide range used.
For example, smart phones or devices were all need use this material.
Because Copper Clad Laminates, were mine as material of flexible circuit boards, and FPC also the main PCB components for most smart phones.
Now more and more smart devices have use Copper Clad Laminates.

The manufacture process of Copper Clad Laminates

The process of creating copper-clad laminates begins with glass cloth made from glass fiber.
The glass cloth is impregnated with a varnish made primarily from epoxy or other resins, and is then coated in copper foil on both sides.
You may read these words very simple, but in production process it’s very hard.
That’s the reason why so few Copper Clad Laminates companies, but the very number of flexible circuit board manufacturers.

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The application and manufacture process of Copper Clad Laminates