PCB online quote from the UK is smart?

First of all Angel wants to claim that PCB online quote from the UK or not depend on many factors.
Some factors can easy to judge, but other factors were difficult judge.
So here we just form normal understand of PCB online quote, in other words is from easy judge point to discuss.
If you have any other question about PCB online quote from the UK, please comment below, we will update this post.

The first factor is the quality of PCB online quote.

If you have order a bad quality PCB board, from all countries was not OK.
The quality of PCB board related our new product quality.
To avoid ordering some bad quality PCB board, Angel suggests all purchases before place mass production PCB board, place a sample PCB online quote from UK manufacturer.
Then test the quality of sample PCB board.

The secondly factor is the price of PCB online quote.

If you have asked some of PCB supplier price, you may find most of PCB online quote were cheaper than offline PCB quote.
Here Angel doesn’t refer to judge PCB manufacturer by price.
But you must ask for the price of PCB online quote have contain how many factors.
Some of PCB online quote UK just quote bare PCB board price to the customer.
At the end of the PCB order ask some extra charge.

At the end of this post, Angel wants to summary PCB online quote UK is smart or not, it’s depend on many factors, above just list top 2 factors.
PCB online quote from the UK is smart?