Metal Core PCB thermal conductivity common sense

Why we need consider metal core PCB thermal conductivity?

Metal Core PCB thermal conductivity common sense is very simple, but not everyone notices this or aware of it.
If you have learned the theory of lighting, you will be known power were converted heat and light.
LED lighting converted rate were higher than traditional tube lighting.
From Metal core PCB design experience, two conclusions have made below:
The remaining 70 of the input power is converted to heat
Only 30% of input power is converted to light

Three reasons why we should consider metal core PCB thermal conductivity.

Excessive heat can cause a shift in color
Excessive heat can reduce light output
Excessive heat can shorten device life
Some of the factors were disadvantage, but others were can converted into an advantage for MCPCB.
This part we will discuss late post, please following our update.

What is Metal core PCB Thermal Conductivity?

To experience metal core PCB board designers, Thermal Conductivity uses k instead.
Here David has listed three features of metal core PCB thermal conductivity.
Every material has its own thermal conductivity. and the metal core PCB thermal conductivity is the board’s ability to conduct heat.
But how to know the detail thermal conductivity of MCPCB board.
In fact, this feature is an Inherent material property and does not depend on thickness.
In other words, most of the time the number of thermal conductivity is fixed.
metal core pcb thermal conductivity